Posts by Yurra Pty Ltd
Wickham Town Services

Client: Rio Tinto

Yurra has been engaged since 2014 to provide cleaning and grounds maintenance services throughout the town of Wickham. The scope includes local shopping precincts, entry roads and public open space. Having a number of staff based in Wickham and Roebourne these works provide us with a great sense of pride delivering ongoing services within our local community.



Client: Sodexo

Yurra is a proud tender partner of Sodexo’s for the IFMS Rio Tinto contract. Yurra worked as a stream lead for Grounds Maintenance for the bid and has grown upon our relationship to provide commercial cleaning services. 


Yurra Pty Ltd
Yurra Community Contribution

Random Act of Kindness

Yurra together with our building partner GBSC we delivered a complete renovation of a home in Cheeditha over the course of 4days leading into Christmas. The Yurra cleaning team had arguably the most challenging task and continued working until the last piece of furniture was put together. 

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Liam Wilson - Cleaning - Project 3 edit - Photo 2.jpg
Liam Wilson - Cleaning - Project 3 - Photo3 edit.jpg

Yurra Pty Ltd